Why Optimizing a PPC Landing Page Is So Important

Daniel Burkholder
November 3, 2023

Why Optimizing a PPC Landing Page Is So Important

A compelling ad will motivate potential clients to click the link and go to a business’s website. But once they do, the landing page’s performance will determine whether they become paying customers. Optimizing a pay-per-click (PPC) landing page is the first and basic step to complete before a PPC campaign goes live.

Local family-owned auto body shops already face huge competition from large corporate auto body shop chains. With a limited digital marketing budget, an independent auto body shop needs to make sure it’s making the most of its resources. This includes constructing fast, efficient, highly targeted landing pages that nudge a visitor to complete a CTA.

According to BodyShop Marketing, a digital agency that supplies targeted online marketing and pay-per-click advertising for auto body shops, optimizing PPC landing pages focuses on two core questions: How many of the page’s visitors will take their car to the auto body shop, and what strategies can increase this number?

The Keys to Top-Performing PPC Landing Pages

When a business pays for every visitor, it makes sense to ensure the landing page yields the highest possible conversion rate. Successful auto body shop PPC campaigns include landing pages that follow specific PPC landing page best practices.


A PPC landing page should be a direct extension of the Google ad. The core message, content, language, headlines, CTAs, and other central elements must fit in with the ad’s message. For example, if the ad draws clicks by mentioning a special offer, this offer should also be at the front and center of the landing page, e.g., “You’re one step closer to unlocking your free dent repair.”

Alignment between the ad and the landing page will keep users on track and help improve the ad’s quality score.

Strong CTA

The call to action (CTA) is the focal point of a PPC landing page. This is the stage that determines whether a potential client will contact the auto body shop.

Successful CTAs are strong, simple, and single-minded. A short phrase, followed by a “call now” or “get a free estimate” button, is usually the best choice. Visual design plays a major role too: efficient landing pages typically feature bold-colored CTA buttons with plenty of white space to help them stand out.

Social Proof

A few well-chosen enthusiastic reviews can give a landing page a boost of credibility that pushes a potential client to click a CTA button. However, including an unfiltered review log in a CTA page is usually a mistake since there’s always the risk of an occasional negative review.

A genuine review along the lines of, “This business is the best local auto body shop,” with the name and location of the client, helps create trust in potential customers.


Most efficient PPC landing pages have a simple, almost bare-bones design that gives the viewer some basic information and directs them to a CTA button. There should be as little as possible to detract attention from the page’s main goal: get the user to call, get in touch, or request an estimate.

If a CTA involves filling out a contact form, the form should be brief and user-friendly. Sticking to essentials will encourage users to complete the form and improve conversion rates.


If a landing page takes more than a couple of seconds to load, viewers will click the “back” button. Pages with a loading time of seven seconds may lose up to one-third of visitors. Optimal page speed, especially on mobile, is one of the first things to test before launching a PPC campaign. Quick page load times will also improve a site’s overall search rankings and help attract organic traffic.

How a Professional Digital Agency Can Elevate a PPC Campaign

Auto body shop owners juggle many tasks, including their core services, communicating with customers, and everyday business management. With so much to do, entrusting digital marketing to a professional agency is usually the most cost-effective solution for auto body shops.

A digital marketing agency can maximize the efficiency and ROI of a PPC campaign as a whole, from researching keywords and targeting the right market segments to crafting an attractive ad and optimizing landing pages.

What Auto Body Shops Should Consider When Choosing a Digital Marketing Agency

When researching digital marketing agencies, auto body shop owners should look for a team with deep expertise in the automotive and especially auto body shop industry. An agency with ample industry experience will know how to launch and run the most efficient campaigns for auto body shops.

BodyShop Marketing is a digital agency that works with small, independent, and family-owned auto body shops and collision repair businesses. Daniel Burkholder, the founder of BodyShop Marketing, spent years managing his family’s local auto body shop. This first-hand experience gives him a unique understanding of auto body shops’ marketing needs and a strong motivation to help auto body shops thrive.

BodyShop Marketing offers:

  • Custom-tailored, down-to-earth, results-oriented marketing plans for automotive businesses
  • Uncompromising integrity and full transparency
  • Deep focus on marketing practices that yield the best results for auto body shops
  • Hassle-free services that allow body shop owners to focus on their businesses without worrying about digital marketing
  • Exceptional customer service and steadfast commitment to each client’s success

For more information about PPC landing page optimization and other digital marketing services for auto body shops, contact Daniel Burkholder of BodyShop Marketing. Call (855) 667-9648, email hello@bodyshopmarketing.io, or schedule a free consultation today.